Photonic Quantum Information

The Photonic Quantum Information group led by Fabian Steinlechner is based at Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOFExternal link and the Institute of Applied Physics. Research in the group focuses on methods for generating and manipulating quantum states of light and their application in remote sensing, long-distance communication, and multi-partite quantum networks.

Research areas

Our research interests include:

  • tailoring hyper-entanglement in multiple photonic degrees of freedom
  • high-dimensional quantum information processing in the time-frequency domain
  • ranging and remote sensing with non-classical light
  • deployment of field-ready hardware in satellites and fiber networks


  • Quantum communication

Research methods

The group utilizes modern experimental equipment including:

  • Quantum Light Sources based on nonlinear parametric processes
  • Pulsed and cw- lasers at different wavelengths
  • Time-resolved single photon detection
  • High-Speed electro-optics and pulse shaping technology
  • Spatial Light Modulation Adaptive-optics
  • Free-space communication terminals and deployed fiber links
Photonic Quantum Information
Fabian Steinlechner, Prof. Dr
Head of Department
Portrait Prof. Dr. Fabian Steinlechner
Image: Fraunhofer IOF
IOF, Room EG02/306
Albert-Einstein-Straße 7
07745 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link